We are positioned and committed to improving the business performance of your organization by empowering your teams.

“Only the professionals who know how to continually understand the dynamics of their organizations in order to take better decisions and wiser actions would be the most sought after in their organizations and across industries”  
– Apanisile Samuel Temitope
Team Lead, PMconsultings

“Only the organizations that create a relational environment and install transformative capabilities for their thinkers at all levels to shape behaviour and make adaptive decisions would be the ones to survive through the unknowns of today and tomorrow’s business environment.”

– Apanisile Samuel Temitope
Team Lead, PMconsultings

International Certifications

Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM)

Is a globally recognized certifying body in technical and behavioral finance, economics, and management. The GAFM International Board of Standards is the 1st ISO 21001 Accredited Educational Body and have been ISO 21001 Certified and ISO 29990 Certified and ESQ European Union & Accredited for years for Training and Certification by Germanic Bodies in Europe.

American Academy of Project Management (AAPM®)

The AAPM ® American Academy of Project Management ™ is a Global Board of Standards and Accreditation Council for project management industry professionals and related institutions. Our Global Board of Standards issues Project Management Certification to qualified professionals who meet our graduate professional criteria and standards.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Enterprise risk management is not just about identifying and mitigating individual risks, but rather, it is a holistic approach to managing the interrelated risks that exist within an organization. It requires a deep understanding of the systemic nature of risks and the ability to navigate the complexities of the business environment with foresight and agility.

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High Speed Internet

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Full Kitchen

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Wireless Fax & Printer

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Quantitatively Evaluate the Systemic Agility of your systems e.g. business, project, investment, infrastructure, cybersecurity, process To Survive and Thrive in a Brittle, Ambiguous, Nonlinear and Incomprehensible (BANI/VUCA) world.